Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Technology Train

I remember watching a movie some time ago…when I watched the Disney channel. It was about a girl that lived in space and she went to school like she would on Earth. Except, in her class, her teacher was a hologram and everyone sat behind a computer screen. The hologram was interactive and could see and react with everything the students did in class, just as if he was there with the students. How amazing it would be if we had this same situation in our everyday classrooms, I thought.

It’s great to think how far technology has really come especially, in the classroom. I remember thinking if you used an overhead projector in your class, that was really cool. Now, those projectors are somewhat extinct in some cases. I remember getting excited to get on the computer to play Oregon Trail or Super Munchers…games I’m sure students today know nothing about. There are so many opportunities and advances in the classroom today that allow for ample opportunities to learn.

Today, most school systems are lucky enough to have classrooms that come equip with a projectors connected to a computer. I love this little piece of technology. You can simply project your PowerPoint lessons on the screen. You can embed videos and show them also with just the click of the mouse. And if someone has a question about something you can go to Google and pull a picture, map, or whatever you need to answer the student’s question. It allows for great convenience. Additionally, you can even do tests or quizzes on the screen, and it makes it “fun” for the students. The projectors also allow for mobile “clickers” and you can change the screen anywhere in the room, as long as you are in range. Therefore, you don’t have to be stuck behind the computer, and you can walk through and monitor the students. Thus, allowing for greater classroom management. The projector opens many doors for learning in the classroom. Some school systems are even luckier and have smart boards. Smart boards are very sophisticated pieces of technology and work with touch-screen capabilities.

When I think about global learning I get excited about how far technology has really come. For instance, in our class we use the Blackboard and Wimba. This allows for people to obtain their education in “unconventional” ways. Everyone does not have the time to go to a campus and go to class there. So, educational programs like these allow people to get that education they desire, but in a matter that accommodates their schedule. Technology has come a long way and continues onto many advances today.


  1. I agree completely! Technology has come such a long way in such a few short years. We must come from the same generation because I remember many of the same technologies as you do from my childhood.
    Global learning is something I also get very excited about. The idea of kids communicating with each from all over the world is something awesome! We can all learn so much from one another and it can really open up cultural boundaries. Also, just think of where technology will be in ten years! I hope that we aren’t replaced by computer-generated people teaching our students… ahhh that will never happen. They can’t make the much needed connections with students. Great blog!

  2. Technology really has come a long way, especially in the classroom. In my grade school days, the biggest piece of technology in the classroom was an over head projector. I don’t ever remember having a computer in the classroom until maybe high school. Now it is common to see at least one student computer in every classroom. One of my favorite pieces of technology to use, which was discussed in your blog, is connecting the computer up to the television in the room. It is nice to be able to play United Streaming videos or PowerPoint presentations right from the computer onto the TV. Although I have never personally used a smart board, it is a piece of technology that I would love to be able to incorporate in my classroom. There are so many new options now than there was when I was in school and I think it would be great to be able to utilize as many as possible.
