Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Social Problems in Schools

In today’s society, students have to deal with many things. There are many dangers in our schools today, many more than in previous years. Students have to deal with things such as peer pressure, drugs, and violence. Along with these issues, students have to worry about maintaining good grades.

Peer pressure is something that is having a major effect on our students today. There are so many pressures they have to deal with, on top of everyday stresses. Children can be controlling and vindictive. Some students pressure other students to do what they want to do. Some students feel obligated, just to fit in or be popular. Some students are ridiculed for not giving in to the pressures and they sometimes can become an outcast. Peer pressure can have a dangerous effect on a child. Some children can even go as far as suicide. We should help students know that it is okay to be themselves and, do what they want to do and not succumb to the pressures.

Drugs are more commonly used among students today. This is a major social problem in our schools today. Most students even get the drugs from another student at school. Students may feel cool when they use particular drugs, so they continue to use them. Some students smoke or use drugs just because their friends do it. They can even find products at home that they can use to vandalize their bodies. Huffing is becoming more frequent and causing too many early deaths. Parents and students need to be aware of the harmful effects and what products are at fault. These items include but, are not limited to spray dusters for keyboards or any aerosol can.

Violence is another prevalent issue in our schools today. Students have resorted to violence to solve problems. Students feel like they need to defend themselves when someone may be making fun of them. On the other hand, some students use force or violence to get what they want. Violence in schools makes it dangerous for everyone, not just the ones involved in the violent acts. Students need to resort to other ways to solve problems and issues they may have. It is possible they are mimicking what they see at home or t.v. but, that is no excuse for the cycle to continue.

These are some social problems some schools have to face...just to name a few. They are serious problems for our schools and students. Parents, guardians, teachers, and counselors need to talk to students and be available to talk about issues they may have. Hopefully, being available and these talks with help students resort to different solutions that aren’t harmful. Additionally, students will be confident in themselves and will not give in to peer pressures.

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